Images from Guest Photographer and Youth Leader Yuleysi Rosario

We thank Yuleysi Rosario for her fun and gorgeous photos from the weekend-long Sin Fronteras Leadership Group retreat in Gainesville, Florida. Leaders spent the weekend in a quiet and peaceful retreat center removed from the everyday distractions of cell phones, televisions, and busy streets. They devoted the weekend to learning the power of the servant leader through SALT: Serving, Acting, Learning and Transforming.

During the retreat, the youth created a circle of hands that represent the relationships between them. Inside the circle they wrote attitudes and actions that enrich their lives and their experiences as a group. On the outside of the circle they wrote the negative actions and attitudes they want to keep out of their relationships with each other.

The Sin Fronteras Leadership Group looks forward to bringing their skills and talents to the Sin Fronteras Youth Group in the coming year!

Thank you again Yuleysi!