HCC’s Blog

Art Exhibit Displays Social Justice

2019-01-23T10:20:32-05:00June 15th, 2017|

Last Saturday, HCC hosted The Conscious Collective, an art exhibition created by AmeriCorps member, Mawhyah Milton. For the past 13 weeks, Mawhyah facilitated an art workshop attended by other AmeriCorps and staff members. The workshop was focused on using art to spark conversation around Advocacy and Social Justice and to express One's own story or [...]

The Inner Journey

2019-01-23T10:20:32-05:00June 9th, 2017|

Every year, HCC's Sin Fronteras Youth Group attends the Peace Camp retreat to reflect on peace, love, and togetherness. The theme this year was Inner Journey. As is tradition, staff are invited to attend one day of every Peace Camp for a fun, magical and hilarious talent show. We'll let the photos speak for themselves.

The 2017 Spring Newsletter is Here!

2019-01-23T10:20:32-05:00May 10th, 2017|

For the Spring 2017 Newsletter, Hope springs into action! Springtime began at Hope with a donor luncheon that featured diverse stories and ideas. Kermes Spring Festival followed shortly after. Spoiler alert about the Kermes story: Sister Ann is amazing and hilarious! We feature advocacy efforts here at Hope and take you into a four day college [...]

Kermes Brings CommUnity Together

2019-01-23T10:20:32-05:00March 18th, 2017|

We say goodbye to winter on March 20 and hello to perfect weather and fun outdoors for a new spring season. Kermes, HCC's springtime community festival, was held on Saturday at the Hawthorne campus. The smell of food sizzling on the grill, the sounds of kids playing and laughing, the music adding energy and fun, and [...]

A Big Turnout for HCC’s Immigration Fair

2019-01-23T10:20:32-05:00March 8th, 2017|

This past weekend, Hope CommUnity Center hosted its Immigration Fair to address recent concerns from the community about new immigration policies and to give support, guidance, and resources. Lawyers were present to answer questions from the community about immigrant rights, creating a dignity plan, deportation, the benefits of having DACA, and citizenship. Because there is [...]

A Year Later

2019-01-23T10:36:13-05:00February 21st, 2017|

The former Apopka Family Learning Center was once a hub for after-school tutoring. Located in South Apopka, it is a large, beautiful building with six acres of land and plenty of parking space. To Hope CommUnity Center Founder Sister Ann Kendrick, bringing life back to this once vibrant property was a calling. In February of [...]

A Very Sweet Valentine’s Day

2019-01-23T10:39:16-05:00February 14th, 2017|

No Valentine's Day is sweeter than one following HCC's Hearts for Hope Luncheon! On the eve of Valentine's Day, over 340 guests attended the annual fundraising luncheon held at St. Mary Magdalen Church. The money raised supports HCC's scholarship program and services offered at Hope. Guests were treated to powerful personal testimonies from community member Irma Bazan, staff [...]

HCC’s 2017 Newsletter Has a New Design for a New Year!

2019-01-23T10:41:10-05:00January 24th, 2017|

To kick off 2017, Hope CommUnity Center reflects on the 1980's with a bold and refreshing redesign of the quarterly newsletter. Three major events shaped Apopka in that decade and continues to impact the people who come in and out of HCC's doors every day. Learn more about those events on our beautifully redesigned front cover, read the answers founder [...]

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