
You have the voice and power to stop raids happening right here in Apopka and around the country! We have a simple request: keep hardworking families together.

National Call in Day to DHS: Stop the Raids
JUNE 8th, 2016
9am -5pm
Tell DHS Secretary Johnson to release detained youth now and
to halt the raids that are separating families
Call 202-282-8000!

Please call and give a personal testimony or read from the following:

Hello, my name is __________. I am calling DHS Secretary Johnson to call for the end of immigration raids that are separating families. I support the release of students and youth currently waiting appeal so they can be reunited with their families and continue their education. If you can pass this message to Secretary Johnson I would greatly appreciate it. Again, my name is ________ and I am calling from Apopka, Florida. Thank you.